Robert Jay Mendoza

Due Diligence Support

BSC in Information Technology

Robert holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology and possesses over five years of diverse work experience across the Real Estate, Insurance, and Telecommunications industries. In his current role, Robert’s primary responsibility revolves around conducting Pre-Due Diligence. This crucial task involves meticulously researching, analysing, and preparing essential information and reports to facilitate decision-making processes. His attention to detail and analytical skills are pivotal in ensuring that due diligence processes are comprehensive and accurate, enabling informed choices.

Outside of work, Robert finds solace in relaxation, often escaping the hustle and bustle of the workweek. Whether it’s exploring new restaurants nearby, taking trips out of town, or visiting his parents and reuniting with relatives and friends, he values his leisure time.

Robert strongly resonates with our Performance Culture Statement of “BE SUPPORTIVE.” To him, this culture embodies a team that consistently offers assistance and encouragement to one another in their professional tasks. They maintain an optimistic attitude, tackling challenges with determination. Additionally, they foster a friendly and enjoyable workplace atmosphere, where humour, compliments, and motivation are readily shared among colleagues.

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