Phillip Almeida


M.Bus (Prop) Grad Dip Vals QPIA CEA

Phillip’s career has been built on meeting the needs of a special group of people. Invariably they are medical professionals, farmers, graziers and professionals looking to access good quality advice on property investment as part of a long-term wealth creation strategy.

His clients have built a successful career and are looking for a service that delivers a superior investment experience. He works with them on strategies that improve and enhance their portfolios, including a detailed analysis of their existing properties, recommendations for refurbishment, divestment of underperforming properties and suggested property acquisition.

Phillip has been advising rural clients and rural accounting firms on quality off-farm investments since 2002. Having a rural background himself, Phillip understands the challenges and issues faced by the farming community, particularly the impact that market fluctuations and seasonal conditions can have on their income, and their capacity to invest.

Having been involved in over $1 billion worth of property acquisitions, Phillip is well placed to provide investors with advice and support in areas with growth potential in the residential and commercial property markets across VIC, NSW, QLD and SA.

He holds a Masters of Business (Property), a Graduate Diploma in Valuations, a Qualified Property Investment Advisor (QPIA), and is fully licensed under the Real Estate Institute of VIC, SA and NSW.

Looking for more information?

Contact our team and find out more about our Investment Options

We’ll start with a face-to-face consultation.

Review your current investment portfolio and provide recommendations.

Discuss how property investment can help you achieve your goals.

Create a property strategy and roadmap including the type and features of individual investments.

Give you advice on the location and type of your next property acquisition.

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