Investment options

We build and manage diversified property portfolios for investors. Our portfolios suit a range of circumstances and goals

Where are you at in your Property Portfolio Strategy?

If you’re seeking to grow your portfolio, our team is dedicated to assisting you in creating a customised property strategy that aligns with your wealth-building aspirations. Find out where your portfolio is at by booking a portfolio review with one of our PIPA Qualified Property Investment Advisors.

Performance model portfolios

Our investment committee has designed and approved a number of model portfolios that can be customised to meet the needs of our clients.

The purpose of these portfolios is to create over $2.5m of equity (not just value) which can be converted into an income stream for retirement.

Our property advisors have been trained on how to build these portfolios and can work with you to discuss your individual situation and suitability.


Property Investment Portfolio


$250k Annual Income
$1.5m Equity or Net Assets
>20 Year Investment Horizon
$25,000 Annual Contribution


Property Investment Portfolio


$400k Annual Income
$2.5m Principal Home Equity
>20 Year Investment Horizon
$40,000 Annual Contribution


Property Investment Portfolio


$600k Annual Income
$4m Principal Home Equity
>20 Year Investment Horizon
$60,000 Annual Contribution


Property Investment Portfolio


$1m Annual Income
$6.5m Principal Home Equity
>20 Year Investment Horizon
$100,000 Annual Contribution

Entry level investment programs

In addition to our Performance Model Portfolios, below are our entry level programs to help clients purchase and pay off their principal homes so they can build equity.

Principal Home Deposit Saver


$150k Annual Income
>5 Year Investment Horizon

Principal Home Debt Reducer


$200k Annual Income
>5 Year Investment Horizon

A complete range of property investment options

While our advice to every client is unique and based on their individual circumstances, below are some example investment options that we consider when compiling a portfolio for our clients.

We manage portfolio risk

Establishing and managing an extensive property portfolio provides a unique set of challenges and risks. There are variables such as rents, values, market conditions, market forecasts, interest rates and your personal financial situation which need to be considered. The complexity intensifies with the growth of assets within a portfolio. Without proper management, the risks can escalate rapidly. 

Our portfolio management service is designed to simplify this process, empowering clients to effectively navigate challenges and mitigate portfolio risks. 

Looking for more information?

Contact our team and find out more about our Investment Options