Coming Soon
An exciting new weBsite
Coming Soon
New Client Enquiry and Briefing Form
Please complete the form below so we can connect you with the right advisor from our team.
Briefing form
First Name
Last Name
Who referred you to us?
Who were you referred to?
- Select name of the PPA Advisor -
David McMillan
Phillip Almeida
Paul Brick
David Robbins
Tomas Turkayoglu
Lachlan Delahunty
Not referred to anyone
How many properties do you currently own (owned outright and mortgaged)
- Select number of properties -
Principal home + 0 investments
Principal home + 1 or 2 investments
Principal home + 3 to 5 investments
Principal home + 5 or more investments
1 or 2 investments
3 to 5 investments
5 or more investments Item 6
No properties owned
Household Income
- Select your gross pre-tax household income -
$150,000 - $250,000
$250,000 - $400,000
$400,000 - $600,000
$600,000 - $800,000
$800,000 +
Estimated portfolio value (including principle place of residence)
- Select the total value of your property portfolio -
$0 - $1m
$1m - $2.5m
$2.5m - $5m
$5m - $15m
Your Age Bracket
- Choose your age bracket -
29 years old or under
30 to 39 years old
40 to 49 years old
50 to 59 years old
60 years old or over
Finance Status
- Select the stage your finance is at -
Not commenced
Meeting bank or broker
Application submitted
Pre-approved / Approval in principle
Finance not required
Other / To be confirmed
What is the reason for your enquiry (Choose one or more options)
Build a Property Portfolio
Purchase a Principal Home
Purchase an Investment Property
Sell a Property
General Property Portfolio Advice or Strategy
Other Questions or General Comments